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Take a examine our number of missing pages and locate some for people. The Project Gutenberg Wiki becomes a place packed with useful information to your ebook community. You are invited to contribute. Project Gutenberg needs your donation! This page was last modified on 10 October 2015, at 11:31. As an end result this site is not going to work correctly. Select some of the Free Activities. Please separate words by commas or new lines. Some words are certainly not recognized by our database and you will be removed out of your list. To add or edit words on your own list, open their list and click Edit List. Your list are going to be saved under Personal Lists with your homepage. Teachers: We have Parent Letters accessible to print and send home using your students word lists. An award-winning, game-based learning program for vocabulary, spelling, phonics, writing, and language arts Ability make use of any word list with over 35 learning activities, assessments, and games A K12 educational service used worldwide by districts, schools, and families. More than 5 million active students A library of 50, 000 words and 60, 000 sentences read using a real person Availability on the internet as an app on iPads, iPhones, and Android devices Correlation to educational standards including Common Core, state, and international Reports for schools, districts, teachers, and parents Free and Premium Membership models. Premium Membership is surprisingly affordable! Register like a Free Member to gain access to some activities. Or start as being a Premium Member for immediate usage of ALL features. VocabularySpellingCity provides spelling, vocabulary, writing, and language arts activities for K-12 cross-curricular word study. We always work with with our members to continually refine our offerings and welcome feedback and suggestions. VocabularySpellingCity was basically created to save teachers time by automating weekly spelling tests, administering, grading and recording and providing immediate feedback for college students. Nearly ten years later, the service is growing to provide a wider choice of educational services for teachers, families, schools, and districts. Our primary focus has become on vocabulary, particularly the meaning of words found in specific contexts. We offer seven vocabulary games and activities, plus two writing activities, during which students can demonstrate their mastery of the specification of words through the use of them in context, writing their particular sentences and paragraphs. Our activities to develop phonological awareness and phonics skills make use of a patent-pending technology manufactured by VocabularySpellingCity. These games let students see and hear words sounded out, spelled, and utilised in a sentence. VocabularySpellingCity can be obtained as an app on iPads, iPhones, and Android devices, and also to the web. The records are automatically synced between devices. VocabularySpellingCity provides phone and email support to both our Free and Premium Members. Thank that you all the teachers who may have shared their very best classroom practices using VocabularySpellingCity via online reviews, conference presentations and social networking posts. We especially appreciate our members insightful ideas, that help guide our website. Another thank you to definitely those parents with introduced VocabularySpellingCity thus to their childrens teachers and, occasionally, purchased it for the entire class. Wed love to express our appreciation for that valuable feedback given by our tens of a large number of homeschool families. We anticipate a continued partnership in mastering! VocabularySpellingCity is really a registered trademark. If you're a Premium Member, click the link to join to your account. Want to understand about Premium Membership? Just 29.99/yr for just a family or 52.95/yr for any classroom. Learn more Sorry. This feature can be obtained Learn a little more about this along with other Premium features accessible to teachers at 52.95/yr per classroom or families at 29.99/year As an outcome this site won't work correctly. Select one of the Free Activities. Please separate words by commas or new lines. Some words will not be recognized by our database and will also be removed through your list. To add or edit words with your list, open a list and click Edit List. Your list will probably be saved under Personal Lists on your own homepage. Teachers: We have Parent Letters offered to print and send home along with your students word lists. An award-winning, game-based learning program for vocabulary, spelling, phonics, writing, and language arts Ability make use of any word list exceeding 35 learning activities, assessments, and games A K12 educational service used worldwide by districts, schools, and families. More than 5 million active students A library of 50, 000 words and 60, 000 sentences read using a real person Availability on the internet and as an app on iPads, iPhones, and Android devices Correlation to educational standards including Common Core, state, and international Reports for schools, districts, teachers, and parents Free and Premium Membership models. Premium Membership is surprisingly affordable! Register like a Free Member to get into some activities. Or start to be a Premium Member for immediate usage of ALL features. VocabularySpellingCity provides spelling, vocabulary, writing, and language arts activities for K-12 cross-curricular word study. We cooperate with our members to continually refine our offerings and welcome feedback and suggestions. VocabularySpellingCity was in fact created to save teachers time by automating weekly spelling tests, administering, grading and recording and providing immediate feedback for young students. Nearly several later, the service continues to grow to provide a wider variety of educational services for teachers, families, schools, and districts. Our primary focus is on vocabulary, specially the meaning of words found in specific contexts. We offer seven vocabulary games and activities, plus two writing activities, by which students can demonstrate their mastery of the concise explaination words through the use of them in context, writing his or her sentences and paragraphs. Our activities to create phonological awareness and phonics skills work with a patent-pending technology put together by VocabularySpellingCity. These games let students see and hear words sounded out, spelled, and found in a sentence. VocabularySpellingCity is obtainable as an app on iPads, iPhones, and Android devices, and also on the web. The records are automatically synced between devices. VocabularySpellingCity provides phone and email support to both our Free and Premium Members. Thank one to all the teachers who've shared their utmost classroom practices using VocabularySpellingCity via online reviews, conference presentations and web 2 . 0 posts. We especially appreciate our members insightful ideas, that help guide our website. Another thank someone to those parents that have introduced VocabularySpellingCity on their childrens teachers and, in some instances, purchased it for the main class. Wed like to express our appreciation with the valuable feedback supplied by our tens of countless homeschool families. We anticipate a continued partnership in mastering! VocabularySpellingCity can be a registered trademark. If you happen to be Premium Member, simply click here to signing in to your account. Want to learn about Premium Membership? Just 29.99/yr to get a family or 52.95/yr for the classroom. Learn more Sorry. This feature can be acquired Learn much more about this as well as other Premium features accessible to teachers at 52.95/yr per classroom or families at 29.99/year A couple of years ago, I received a Kindle being a gift from my significant other. It s a fairly nifty little device, perfectly made for reading the words of books. The issue is that to be able to read lots of books, you need to buy them from your Kindle bookstore. Yes, there are more options available you can check out some e-books through your local library, for example though the selection is frequently really limited. Naturally, my frugal side desired to find approaches to really extract value from my Kindle. I wished to find free books worth reading and, as it happens, there are plenty of free books in existence. However, there are lots of diamonds combined in with all of their charcoal. For example, practically every work first published before 1920 is known as in the public domain therefore it s pretty easy to get a free electronic version of virtually every well-known book from that timeframe. There may also be writers who distribute some of the works for free, because of philosophical reasons or from the hopes that it's going to attract new followers on the other things they re engaged in formal presentations, teaching, other books, etc. Over the past number of years, I ve been digging through a great deal of these resources and cataloguing the books I ve enjoyed. Here s a report on 28 ones. Why 28? As I made their email list, I kept the people I really enjoyed and seriously considered and didn t add the rest. Now might appear to be a perfectly good time and energy to share this list. For essentially the most part, I ve simply linked to your Kindle-compatible version from the book. You can download a totally free program on your PC to only read Kindle books on your own screen, which means you don t absolutely need an e-reader to take pleasure from these. If you use another device to read by, like Sony s e-reader or perhaps the Nook from Barnes and Noble, a rapid Google search will lead you on the resources you will need. This is frequently known as being a romance novel, nonetheless it s actually a revenge story. The book tells the storyline of Heathcliff, a very strange child that is adopted with a family and is particularly later created to be their servant. Eventually, he goes out after being jilted using a lover, and once he returns, he s obtained wealth and refinement, but in addition has a burning need to destroy both in the families he believes is doing wrong by him. This book tells the tale of Pip, an orphaned child who climbs around the social ladder of Georgian England. There are many wonderful things happening here: family loyalty, coming of age, a couple of nice action scenes, plus some really memorable characters that every Dickens novel features a few. This is usually a legal drama, surprisingly, that truly exposes how painfully the wheels of justice is capable of turning and how some court cases can drastically customize the lives of numerous. It does delve somewhat into specifics of the way the law worked right at that moment in England, but pass over that and you own an interesting novel with a great deal of subplots which might be all tied together by the painful and dramatic trial. Thoreau spent couple of years living inside a self-made cabin on Walden Pond and during that point, he took down his applying for grants the value of solitude and self-reliance. This is usually a wonderfully thought-provoking book on the it means for being an independent and self-reliant person, combined with some great tales of independence and nature. This is simply a really wonderful action story, with double crosses, fights, romance, and humor. There have been countless film adaptations of the and the various sequels to your story, with out wonder it s simply a really fun adventure. I never read an improved story with regards to a person growing, changing, maturing, and creating a strong feeling of right and wrong than this blog. The slow alteration of Jean Valjean on the beginning to your end on this book, regarding his interactions of folks of various moralities, is wonderful to see. There are in regards to a dozen deeply memorable characters within this novel who can stick with you for just a long time. This is often a horror story, but a very timely commentary around the public face men and women put in existence while they sometimes hide darker things. Wilde can t write a novel without incorporating some humor, but there is really a lot of thoughtful darkness in this particular novel. This tells the tale of Siddhartha, a person who simply wishes to understand how life works. He commences being an ascetic as he gives up worldly possessions, but eventually he moves on after that through various stages and at last reaches some powerful conclusions about life. In 2007, Time declared this for being the greatest novel ever written. Oprah picked it on her book club. Read it. You will likely be glad which you did. This is, clearly, my personal favorite collection of poetry. It includes my single favorite poem and countless other great poems, such as amazing I Sing the Body Electric. If you read a magazine of poetry inside your life, make it this. This is undoubtedly an amazing story an individual driven to madness with the darkness with the Congo wilderness plus the darkness on the reality of European colonialism of Africa. Marlow s discovery of Kurtz after having a long ride inside the river is only chilling. The book was re-made to the powerful film Apocalypse Now. As my spouse once said, They don t write romance novels this well any longer. While there s a romance occurring, the novel also examines upbringing, morality, education, gender, and marriage in upper middle class England inside early nineteenth century. Austen had great observations and might also create some very secure characters. A man survives for 20 eight years with a tropical island, surviving cannibals and attacks by mutineers as well as building some semblance of any life for himself. It s a robust novel of self-reliance and adventure. There s an awesome adventure story here, but why Huck Finn be noticeable is the stark pictures of prejudices and education right at that moment is how Huck Finn largely ignores society s ideas of right and wrong to accomplish what he thinks would be the right thing. He does this again and again, that can cause him endless difficulty with polite society. This is often a wonderful telling from the story of the truly amazing life. Not only is it a fantastic record associated with an absolutely vital early American, it s also quite fun to see. Franklin is among those people by using these a varied and impressive life you can t help but be blown away with all in the things he achieved. This is usually a harrowing story about workers in the meat-packing plant across the turn on the twentieth century. The descriptions with the work they do is bound to shock you and also make you wish to investigate where your meals comes from. The novel found themselves having an enormous effect on the food industry from the early 20th century. I can t explain to you how many times I ve look at this novel. It s just a great deal of fun. What happens in case you take an extremely intelligent modern man and drop him into King Arthur s world? That s the premise here, and Twain tells it with humor and thoughtfulness. What almost evil things might you need to do if you were invisible? And precisely what does that say regarding the person you actually are? Those will be the real questions asked in this particular great science fiction novel. This is a sequel to 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea, but this blog is better and also you don t really should have read the 1st novel have fun with it. Several people become shipwrecked with a strange island where things don t always happen as you may expect those to. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this novel, as it is really a very entertaining fictionalization of the people inside the late 1800s believed that travel for the moon would often be like. Mostly, this novel is often a space race of sorts, through an individual overcoming lots of obstacles to build up and build a tool to launch a man for the moon. The sequel Around the Moon is usually entertaining, but more fanciful. What s the cloths line between science fiction and horror? This novel rides that little difference. Doctor Moreau lives using a strange island where he creates sentient beings by combining the parts of assorted animals. The novel dwells quite a lot about the issues of pain inside name of progress and animal cruelty, while telling a solid story. I found Vanity Fair for being incredibly funny. It makes fun of society being a whole, especially the hypocrisy of people and the way they ll willingly geton someone s neck to reach a number of inches higher. It ends up having an intriguing murder mystery, the one which I used to frequently argue about by having an old friend. On a somewhat different note, Roughing It is Mark Twain s memoirs of his years spent inside the wild West. Twain s humor you know here, but it really s also an incredible adventure story that reveals quite a bit about the nature with the old West. If you re thinking about knights, chivalry, and Robin Hood, you ll enjoy Ivanhoe. It s as basic as that. It s an incredibly fun adventure story, vibrant but realistic, however the language is simply touch dated in places. This is really a very powerful examine what morality is and exactly how we can internally and externally determine right and wrong dependant on objective truth, not around the ideas from the society around us. More often than not, they overlap, but a a sense of what s right based on the we objectively know to become true can be a much more powerful guide than merely following what others reveal. This can be a wonderful adventure story set in the French-Indian War on the 1750s. Be careful when reading Cooper, though; should you ve read one book by him, you ll have a feeling that you just re just re-reading a similar book when you read more. One is adequately worth reading, though, and I suggest that one. Accelerando is often a 2005 science fiction novel that Stross has released being a free e-book for anyone to learn. It s actually a group of nine somewhat interconnected short stories telling the story plot of a family before, during, and following a technological singularity basically, a merging of human and machine for the level of superintelligence that neither could achieve on their particular. It s an incredibly enjoyable read with a lot of thought-provoking ideas. Little Brother can be a 2007 novel by Cory Doctorow that describes how four teenagers react to a terrorist attack in San Francisco. During the aftermath of these attack, the Department of Homeland Security efforts to crack documented on civil rights within the area, along with the main characters deal with the problem against it in a number of ways, often utilizing technology within a clever way. Much like Accelerando, this one is really a great new novel that s free for anyone you just read. Hopefully, you have plenty to learn without exploding your pocketbook. Have a question for individuals or just wish to pick our brain? Follow Simple Dollar on Facebook. We reply to every message. Attractive seection of content. I just became aware of your weblog along with accession capital to claim that I get actually enjoyed account your blg posts. Anyway I are going to be subscribing to your augment and in some cases I achievement you access Your email will not published. Required fields are marked The weekвs best and impactful posts about financial lifestyle. The weekвs best and impactful posts about financial lifestyle. Log in your account to evaluate holds, item work deadlines, plus more. There is usually a huge realm of books in existence. Our expert workers pick out their favorites that will help you find the following one. Explore our calendar of classes by date, location, or topic. We offer greater than 80 technology classes at locations over the Bronx, Manhattan, and Staten Island. Explore our events calendar by date, location, or topic. Listen with a of our most engaging programs, discover new ideas, and celebrate the best of todays culture. Search 1000s of circulating and non-circulating components of our classic catalog. Search a large number of newspapers and scholarly articles within our databases. Learn with what you can doall for freeat a library in your area. We rely with your generosity to supply books, literacy classes, children s story hours, and far more FREE for all those New Yorkers. Help keep books, classes, and even more free for many New Yorkers. Find out the best way to pay a good, place a hold, renew your card, or alter your PIN. Learn to download e-books, audiobooks, music, videos, talking picture books, and much more. What book you think these elegant 1800s ladies are discussing at their reading club? NYPL Digital Gallery image. The great demand is made for fiction! Among all classes of individuals, think? Then you mean to mention, persisted the reporter, which the principal portion in the reading public of New York comprises novel readers. That could it be exactly, as far as library patrons have concerns, replied the librarian. The New York Times, January 22, 1882 Welcome back to your Readers Den. I hope you enjoyed reading Time and Again by Jack Finney and going for a journey back in late nineteenth century New York with Simon Morley, advertising artist from 1970. What are you inside mood to study now? Would you like to enter in to the reading mindset of any New Yorker in 1882? Ive created a list dependant on references in Time and Again and data provided in the New York Times article from January 22, 1882 entitled, What the People Read: The Demand for Fiction with the Circulating Libraries. If you are reading this article on site at any NYPL location, you may read browse the article with the ProQuest Historical Newspapers database. At the end in this post, youll also find a few recommendations for more historical fiction placed in Gilded Age New York, in addition to nonfiction exploring some from the people, places and mores on the time. Please recommend every other titles you believe readers who enjoyed Time and Again might need to read! If you are inside the mood to get more time travel, Jack Finney wrote a sequel to Time and Again, From Time to Time, by which Si Morley travels to 1911 to prevent World War I. Steven Kings recent time travel/alternate history 11/22/63 was partly inspired by Time and Again. If youve never read them, you could possibly enjoy classic early time travel novels, such as The Time Machine by H. G. Wells or A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court by Mark Twain. In novels like The Doomsday Book and Blackout by British author Connie Willis, Oxford University historians use time go to visit the past as part of the research. For a more extensive take a look at time travel fiction, please visit J. 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SchaeferMy Childhood Under FireHalilbegovich, NadjaMy Leafs SweaterMy Name is Joad Tina Shaw!My Secret UnicornDreams Come True Linda ChapmanMysteryNatures WrathNaughty Nautical NeighborsAuerbach, Annie Fiction Realistic Action Consequence Chart/Speech Bubble.Fiction Fantasy Instructions/Speech BubblesNumber Five, TheNumber Ten, The RectanglesWhich Belong Together?Which One is Next?Who is Missing?Little Chimp is BraveLilys Play House Hiding From BellaIrving, DiannePresent For Karl, AWhat Would You Wear?Reidmore Books Inc. Read-MoreYes/NoJuliebo, MoiraFleas PlanGrandpas Train SetHiding inside the SeaSmith, SarahMaking LunchMy Brothers Birthday Video GameWashing Our DogWorking With DadBest Pizza within the World, TheGood Night Tess Making ButterBugs Go Marching, TheLearn to Read MathWilliams, RozanneCirclesBeach Boat, TheBingo along with the DucksBirthday Kitten, TheJakes PlaneLambys Breakfast Dale, JayPuzzle for Scruffy, ABens Loose ToothKimmelman, LeslieWho Stole the Cookies?Moffatt, JudithFiction Good for Read-AloudBilly BananaHaircut, TheLizards New Tail Gagiero, MarkLooking for FangFiction Realistic Lists/Business CardNonfiction Informative Photographs/Visual List/Index/LabelsFiction MenuFiction Realistic Tally Chart7Nonfiction Informative Photographs/Maps/Caption/Index?Fiction Realistic Route Map/Illustrative Text/Thought BubblesFiction Action/Consequence ChartFNonfiction Informative Photographs/Labels/Captions/Scale Diag/indexBNonfiction Informative Photos/Labels/Caption/Cross-Section Diag.Fiction Realistic Flow Diagarams/Signs9Fiction Realistic Flow Diagrams/Signs/Illustrative TextFiction Sotry Sequence/Fiction Realistic Maps/Keys/Illustrative TextANonfiction Informative Photos/Index/Labels/Captions/Comp. ChartFiction Realistic ActionConsequence Chart/Illustrative Text6Nonfiction Informative Photographs/Labels/Map/Index/Fiction Fantasy InstructionsFiction Realistic Prescriptions/PosterFiction Realistic Sequence Chart-Fiction Narrative Bold print/Speech Bubbles/Fiction Narrative Instructions/Speech Bubbles3Fiction Narrative Speech Bubbles/Design/Text type7Fiction Narrative Bold print/Speech Bubbles/Billboard, Fiction Narrative Bold print/IllustrationsFiction Fantasy Diary/Thumbnails, Fiction Fantasy Headlines/Newspaper reportFiction Realistic Letters/Faxes/E-Mails5Fiction Realistic Billboards/Recount/Speech bubblesFiction Realistic Advertisements/Recounts/Good for Read AloudFiction Realistic Instructions/Lists/Maps2Fiction Recount Illustrative Text/Speech Bubbles2Nonfiction Expository Captions/Photographs/Index1Nonfiction Information Fact box/Cut-away/Labels1Fiction Narrative Advertisements/Speech bubbles1Nonfiction Descriptive Captions/Labels/Cut-away1Nonfiction Information Labels/Diagrams/Captions-Fiction Narrative Invitation/Speech Bubbles3Nonfiction Information Reports/Schematic Diagrams1Fiction Fantasy Interviews/Speech Bubbles/SignsFiction Realistic Interview/PlansFiction Fantasy Brochure1Nonfiction Information Diagrams/Captions/PhotosFiction Fantasy Maps/Keys, Fiction Fantasy Brochure/Maps/HighlightingFiction Realistic Narrrative/Illustration:Fiction Realistic Letters/Faxes/E-Mails/Sending MessagesFiction Science Narrrative/IllustrationFiction Realistic Maps/Directions/Fiction Realistic Illustrative Text/Narrative, Fiction Narrative Characters/Illustrations.Fiction Narrative Bold text/Problem-Solution0Fiction Narrative Illustrative Text/Storyboard Fiction Recount Speech Bubbles2Nonfiction Expository Sequencing/Graphs/Captions6Nonfiction Information Sequencing/Graphs/Photographs7Nonfiction Descriptive Information/Illustration/Index7Nonfiction Expository Captions/Diagrams/Illustrations:Fiction Realistic Persuasive Arguments/Debates/Headings%Nonfiction Information Report/IndexFiction Realistic Recount/Speech bubbles0Fiction Realistic Maps/Recounts/Speech bubbles, Fiction Realistic Schedules/Speech Bubbles0Nonfiction Information Reports/Photos/CaptionsFiction Fantasy Plans/Descriptions/LabelsScience Fiction/CanadianShort read/complex vocabularyShort stories/CanadianI, my, toI, need, my 25I, read, about 30I, read, to, my 38I, saw, 59I, see, and 27I, see, do, you, little, what, me 193I, see, the 28I, that 45 I, the 40 I, the, he, him, and, or 155I, there, will 99I, think, should 65I, took, said, he, him 211I, up, gobble 36/I, want, said, got, you, need, more, two 88QI, want, so, people, got, and, some, get, me, or, you, with, my, ran, hit 186I, was, and 120I, was, as, wish 134I, was, my, and, she 119?I, was, playing, put, a, on, it, all, who, am, what, can 285I, we, it, the, my 52DI, went, to, the, with, still, a, and, have, my, bought, new 301Mean Machine, TheMeaning of Respect, TheMerry Go Round, TheMerry-Go-Round, TheMess Monster, Thehe, his, to 77 he, is 36he, me, my 117he, people, but 139 he, the, could, that, go 123CNonfiction Informative Photographs/Index/Labels/Captions/DiagramsJNonfiction Informative Photographs/Index/Labels/Caption/Life Cycle Diag.Nonfiction Informative Photographs/Index5Nonfiction Informative Photographs/Index/Labels/MapDrawing, Sketching, and Cartooning Art WorksRobins, DeriMonjo, Drums and ShakersDucks Cant Count and Other StoriesIndependent Readers Ducks In MuckEarly Steps in ReadingPreschool Kindergarten Haskins, LoriEagles, Hawks, and FalconsReeder, PaulDalgleish, Sharon Earths CrustEarly Bird Eiffel TowerStructural WondersPezzi, Bryan Einstein - Champion in the WorldElements and CompoundsElijah of BuxtonCurtis, Christopher Paul Weekly ReaderAnimals That Live in The MountainsMacken, JoAnn EarlyElla along with the Toy RabbitElliot as well as the Drainpipe KidsKalman, BobbieEnergy From HydrogenLippman, DavidEnormous Rock, TheErosion Riley, JoelleEscape on the DeepCook, YvonneEsperanza Rising SignatureRyan, Pam MunozEverest - Book One: The ContestEverest Everest - Book Three: The SummitEverest - Book Two: The ClimbEvery Body Tells a Story Every Egg Metz, LynnExploring Tall TalesLiterature Writing WorkshopAnthology - mixed authors Facts on FilmFontes, Justine RonFallNowak, JenniferFamilies Help Each Other Family FunMoskal, GregFantastic Fish Daynes, KatieFeast for 10Falwell, Cathryn Fiddle DancerFind It!FiresDisasters Up CloseWoods, Michael Mary B. WoodsFirst-Grade Bunny Ready-to-ReadMcNamara, MargaretFish With AttitudeNorman, Dr. MarkFix-It-Up-Fairy, TheBittner, CatherineFlight from Big TangleOrca Young ReaderFly AwayFollow the TracksFoodBasic Human NeedsForensic Science InvestigatorHere Comes WinterHere a Chick, There a ChickHelping You who, when, yo Nonfiction Informative Photographs, Index, Labels, Captions ;Fiction Fantasy Cumulative Sequence Panel/Story SequenceFiction Fantasy Story Map/Illustrative Text/Speech BubblesFiction Fantasy Narrrative/Illustration1Nonfiction Information Captions/Photos/Diagrams2Fiction Recount Illustrative text/Speech bubblesCFiction Recount Illustrative text/Visual literacy/Text highlightsFiction Narrative Letter/Speech Bubbles.Fiction Recount Illustrative Text/Vocabulary1Nonfiction Expository Information/Maps/Diagrams?Nonfiction Report Diagrams/Sequencing/Captions/Illustrations/Nonfiction Descriptive Illustrations/Cut-away1Fiction Narrative Headlines/Environmental print2Nonfiction Expository Labels/Scale/Illustrations1Nonfiction Information Information/IllustrationFiction Realistic Plans in, mother 42in, on, a 53in, the 24in, the 32in, the, a 36in, the, goes 46in, the, I, found, a 79in, the, is, a 34in, the, there, is, a 32in, the, there, is, out,, where, do, what, old, all, meanies 159info textinto, a, grew 23is, a, an 151is, and, ae, the, made, for 94is, are 49is, are, and 125is, are, out, the 64;is, are, too, and, up, down, getting, ready, coming 227is, for 16is, for 41is, he, inside, no 40is, it, a, no, not 51is, it, said 55is, my, I, on, or, it, sois, the 84is, the 43is, the 50is, the, and, on, they, then 158 is, this, my, no, it, too 90is, was, he, train, had 234is, where, the it 16it, has 34it, is, oclock 46it, on, the, my 154 it, to 72it, up, the, and 55late, I, my, sorry, Im, excuses 84Fiction Recount Journal/Formal DiaryNonfiction Informative Informational Report/Diagrams/Labels2Nonfiction Informative Diagrams/labels/Cut-aways.Fiction Recount Illustrative text, sequencingMaking DipsMice in SchoolMoving Big TreesAndrews, TomWhen the Bus was LateFantastic Frog FactsSaving the RainforestPresent and Past Mystery MintsSecret, TheBusy, Buzzy Bees Click, Clack, Moo Cows that TypeCronin, DoreenMystery on the Missing Fuzzy Michaels, SkiTortoise Shell Other African Stories, TheSmith, GeofCaring for BicyclesDragons Sea GiantsUngrateful Tiger, TheX-Rays Jakab, Cheryl Collections 2Fluent BlueBenson, Bryan etc.Cat Doctor, TheHow to Draw a Mouse OBrien, AnnePeaceful Hippo, TheUnder the OceanAlways ElephantMcCaughrean, GeraldineBug-Head and MeFlood!Middle of Nowhere, TheMystery of Mrs. Kim, TheCullimore, StanPiano Recital, TheMedearis, AngelaPrince Among Donkeys, ARed Nose FrostRiordan, JamesRunaway Ball, TheTraining a Guide DogFlies Are FascinatingWilkinson, ValerieFriendly DolphinsIt Could Still Be A ButterflyChildrens Press Monkeys Are a Lot Like UsReally Big CatsShellfish Arent FishOfficer Buckle and GloriaRathmann, Peggy NonfctionOur New Year DragonSocial Insects Pigdon, KeithStory of Zadig, TheAmazing Animal RecordsBeauty of Bali, TheFear, SharonIf You Worked with a Fishing BoatOBrien, Robert R.Sleep Well!Through Artists Eyes Dion, MikeAll Kinds of ReptilesWoolley Pigdon Being CarriedMolly OMalley as well as the MagpiesFarrer, VashtiMissing PiecesSteck-VaughnOnward UpwardBulion, LeslieFiction High Interest - Low Vocab.Chasing Tornadoes!McGuffee Burley Chips DadSymes, RuthMoon JournalCox RogersSpacestation OrionAs The Stars FadeMeadowBook PresssDamrell, Walsh etc.Fiction PoetryCanadian HolidaysForan, JillBody CyclesThe Millbrook PressCyclesRoss, Michael Nonfiction he, then, went, in, at, a, to, she, and, out, her, they207he, was, first, to 142he, wet, on, him, I, a 62he, will, no, you, are, not, my 140 Not befitting Guided Reading - use for Read to or sharedI Swallowed a GnatKulling, Monica Poems selected byOBrian, Robert R.Mandi and Her Dad Go ShoppingCatching ForeverGugler, Laurel Dee Curve Ball Danakas, John White FangKids Books IncorporatedIllustrated Classics7Fiction; Not appropriate - outdated racial connotationsArthur Goes To CampArthurs Pet BusinessBeing Active Is FunDanger! Earthquakes DemolitionDiCamillo, KateBig Lie, The A True StoryLeitner, IsabellaBirth of the VolcanoColeman, Satis N.BlubberBlue-Eyed Daisy, ABorrowed Black: A Labrador FantasyObedCastles of IceCaught on Camera!Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Chat Room Orca CurrentsButcher, KristinChemicals and ReactionsChildrenHarrisonChildren from the Wild WestFreedman, RussellChris Holly GoalMcFarlane, LeslieCitiesYoung, DouglasCraig KielburgerWeiglRemarkable CanadiansPezziCrane Wife, The retellingCybernetDavid SuzukiGertie the Fearless ColeridgeReed PublishingGo Away DogNodsetGrumpy Morning, TheDuncan-Edwards I Am FireIf We Could Do What the Animals Do!If You take a Mouse for the MoviesNumeroffIll Be You You Be Me Krauss/SendakIs It a Fruit?Hood, ChristineLast Puppy, TheAschLook and SeeMaking Twelve Party bag Poetry Anthology, Better for Read Aloud or Independent ReadingBig Cat, Little CatBig, Fat, Wide MouthEmergent - OrangeScience FrontiersJefferis, DavidBlack Joke, TheBlood Red OchreBobs Backyard BarbecueUpper Emerg. - Level J Breaking FreeHIP EdgeMulrine, JenniferBud, Not BuddyBuilding Homes, Building HopeBrand New Readers Root, PhyllisLillypad ReadersKCaptain Underpants as well as the Big, Bad Battle in the Bionic Booger Boy Part IICaptain Underpants as well as the Invasion in the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies From Outer SpaceICaptain Underpants along with the Preposterous Plight from the Purple Potty PeopleCarlotta and EdCase from the Missing Snacks, TheCatchSchubert, LedaCelebrationsBerger, Samantha Moreton, DanielChicken PoxChildren with the LampThe Day on the Djinn warriors - Book 4 Kerr, ClockworkPullman, PhilipCookie Jar, TheTraditional Stories, Level 1 Beer, MichaelCurse with the Viking Grave Dark RyderDark Side on the Creek, TheSome Machines are EnormousCaseys CaseEureka!FerniticklesAncient Man from the IceAll About EggsAnimals at Work Earth at RiskMaking a BillycartMessages Without WordsMovie MagicPyramids inside Bush Sports SkillsStraight From The Horses Mouth Sucked InSkittlesSoldiersTen Little GoblinsBabar And The GhostBaseball BallerinaBuck-Buck the Chicken Bully TroubleDown On The Funny FarmRooster TroubleRiley, KanaSally-Ann within the Snow Breinburg See A ShowSomething Special DaneluttiSpending Dimes One at a Time Stinkers!HookingsTime to Sleep, AUnder the MicroscopeUp, Up, DownMunsch We Just MovedKrensky What Do You Know About Dolphins?What on Earth?Wheelchair Wheels, TheWalker, JuneWhy Do Elephants Wear Hats?Bear ShadowBilly Goat Gruff and also the Baby TrollHallBlat, The Alley CatCanalsCoconut Game, TheCompanyKatzDay With Firefighters, AKottkeEggs inside the SunFizzkid the InventorStrachan, LindaFox and The Little Red Hen, TheParkesGoats Beard, TheGreat-Great-Grandfathers RailroadGriffin, the School CatAnderson PrelutskyGaldoneHorrible Urktar of Or, TheCuttingJake the JugglerKiss for Little Bear, ASendakMaking RoadsMasksBaconPidgonMother Bears RobinMinaric/Sendak CartwrightUpper, MaryOttersPopcorn and CandyRain, Rain Go Away! Get Up Johnny!Red-Eyed Tree FrogSecret Code, TheRau, Dana MeachenSeeing and Hearing WellPull Ahead Books Nelson, Robin Sleepy People Goffstein Staying CleanStone Soup A Traditional Tale from SwedenHawes, AllisonTen Little ActorsMaurbern Pty Ltd.LloydTens and Ones TogetherTime Song, TheTools Measure WeatherTurn to your Left, Turn for the Right What Did You Put In Your Pocket?RegniersWhat Will the Weather Be? Cox, DianeOrphan at My DoorOutside The VillageDeJong, MeindertPandoras Perilous Predicament Boiko, ClairePlace For Margaret, A exerptHunterPlace To Hide, A Pettit, JaynePrairie as Wide because the Sea, AEllis. SarahNaultPyramids of EgyptWatts LibraryScholasticRadio Fifth GradeIt Started As An EggIts Spring!Legs, No Legs Jones, MaryLemonadeLift OffLong Ago and TodayLunch with Cat and DogMagic Money Box, TheOlsen, KeithCicciarelliMarks In The SandWoolley, Marilyn Mr. Noisy Martin, CraigOh, Shes Lucky! One is MeZola Our CabinHeadPenguin Chick, ThePicking BlackberriesPlants On My PlateSmith, CathyRain Puddle, TheHoll Smelling!Soccer Game!Sometimes Things ChangeEastman Spooky Sounds OToole, MaryTeddy Bear for SaleHerman, GailTheres A Monster within the TreeWilliams, Lanczak Too Silly!Benson, Ron Tooth, TheMarshallWater, Land, and AirMalone, PatWe Can Make GraphsWeekendsWhat Do I Hear?Booth Windy TreeFisher%All Through the Week with Cat and DogAnimal ArmorAt LunchtimeBaby Owl is ScaredBeans, Beans, BeansHymesBears, Ten by TenBully Cat along with the BirdsButterfly Friends, ThePauliBuzz Is Part Of A Bee, A Lunn, CarolynCamelsCan You Read a Map?Chicken ForgetsMilesChimpanzeesClass Trip, TheCowboy JakeDay with the Apple Orchard, AFaulkner/KraweskeyDay with the Pumpkin Patch, ADeans Fish Bagnall, AlanDuck and Rooster Go OutEarsFarmer Didnt Wake Up, TheFishcakes For SupperHawkins, Lise Sinfield, IvorFive Minutes MoreMimosa Math TalesFunky Flamingos Going FastGreat Attitude, AHill, SandiJohns, LindaHairy CaterpillarsHairy HarryPerez, BelleHalf Is FairHappy Birthday, Estela!Bingley, Anne M. Help for EyesHidden AnimalsDrewHot Moose StewHummingbird, TheHungry Farmer, TheWagnerNechaev, MichelleI Can Talk with My HandsVreeland, KristineIce If Animals Came to SchoolIn Times Long AgoTys One-Man BandWaterton, BettyWiesniewski, DavidWood, Daniel CamouflageTrees Are SpecialAnimal InventionsWhat Comes From A Cow You Did ItHow Machines HelpIs It Floating?Our Tree HouseDont Scare the FishDot the BuilderHow To Clean a DinosaurIm Glad Im Me Uncle JimWee WhopperYou Do Ride WellNo More Sleepy DogFollow The Monsters!So Sick! Ed and MeHarcourt Brace Jovanovich Milton, Joyce Dinosaur Days Rice, EveCanadas Wetland AnimalsCanadas Woodland Animals4Case on the Missing Money, The: A Jane Brown MysteryShepardCassandras DriftwoodPottersfield PressWilsonCaterpillars Story, TheBrogerCome on, CanadaComputerella: A PlayEdwardsConnecting To The Internet Mosner, ChrisCourage in The StormRaddallDeserts and Desert DwellersDigestive System, TheStilleDown in The DumpsterVanwell MerrittEarly Morning WaterEarthBrimnerEmperors Clothes, TheEarths Endangered AnimalsEndangered ChimpanzeesEndangered ManateesEndangered RhinocerosChanges! Changes!Making a FlashlightWhales and DolphinTurtle and TortoiseShips at SeaFive Goofy GhostsSeven Foolish Fishermen Robin Hood plus the Silver TrophyStrange Shoe, TheJack plus the Magic Harp Puss in BootsWho Lives inside the SeaDancing with ManateesAlcock and Brown plus the Boy within the MiddleSoil around the MoveLevel PDifferent Foods, Different CulturesLevel OWilma UnlimitedChildren Around the WorldRand McNallyPeople Places and SpacesMatthew as well as the Midnight Money VanBig Sheep Mix-up, TheBeauty and also the BeastConstruction WorkersCommunity HelpersHorrible Harry along with the Ant InvasionUnusual SpidersGerard Giraffe, Private InvestigatorGiant and also the Watchmakers Wife, TheEveryday HeroesDay the Sky Turned Green, TheThree Little KittensFrog or ToadOnce Upon a TimePetes Bad DayTigers Tummy AcheWilbert Took a WalkMisbuildings/Untransport Monster PartyAlis StoryKangarooLucys RoosterMrs. Pyes PoolI Know ThatMy Feet Are Just RightGrumbles, Growls and RoarsAnnas TreeBears are CuriousAll Stuck Up Baby Moses Beef StewCave BoyFarmer Joe Goes To The CitySmith, LaneHenny Penny Zimmermann, All In The Woodland EarlySt. Martins Press Baby WolfBearHidden Hand, TheTales of NatureTales of WonderRainforestsPopcornNonfiction Level RJourney HomeWho Stole the Tigers EyeLong and Far AwayHarry Potter along with the Philosophers StoneLamplighter%Morris Rumpel and also the Wings of IcarusAkiak - A Tale in the Iditarod Last Princess: The Story of Princess Kaiulani of Hawaii, TheSports Matters A Magazine for KidsAre You A Horse?Are You A Ladybird?What Do Insects Do?ActionPearson RubiconAthlueetuk, Jessica Action SportsRemix Arleth, BrianAgainst the Odds B NegativeFM mature content Swatz, LStories of Thunderbird Stus TuneTeach Me HowFlying Start LiteracyShanahan, KerrieThe Boy Who Told Tales%The Case with the Mysterious Paw PrintsCurrie, CourtneyThe Fall GuyFradkin, BarbaraThe First CornThe Gift with the Red River JigBurton, Wilfred The Mystery at Lake LabergeThe Way it WorksKowalski, William There For YouRobyn Michaud-TurgeonTin Man Fix-It Tortoise as well as the Hare Race AgainUgly Guppy, TheWhat Will the Seal Eat?Polar Bears Past BedtimeWhoosh! Said the WindFindley, V.10 Most Dangerous Animals in Canada, TheDiscovery SeriesMorgan, JenniferAccidently FabulousCandy ApplePapademetriou, LisaAccidently Famous Air CanadaCanadian BusinessMathews, S.%Alcohol Addiction: Not definitely worth the Buzz MasonCrest Walker, I.All About Sea TurtlesRemington, BenAlone inside Night Web, HollyAlphabet Art Gallery, AnBlueberry Hillfor Read AloudAmazing Human Body, TheJameson, Ruby J.American RevolutionResearch GuideOsborne, M., P. Natalie Pope BryceNot suited to GRAncient Greece and also the OlympicsMagic Tree House 14Osborne, M., P.Ancient Rome and PompeiiOsborne, Mary Pope Natalie Pope Bryce Stewart M.Ants Work TogetherAppleArthur along with the Scare-your-pants-off ClubLittle Brown CoArthur Chapter BookArtistsAboriginal Biographies Howse, J.As Simple as it SeemsWeeks, SarahF - Mature ContentAthletes Yasuda, A.!Attack with the Shark-Headed ZombieDoyle, BillBackyard BabiesCharlesworth, L.Ballerina WishesWorld of Wishes Barton, CarolThree Red C Hansen, Sonya Carney, E.Battle Begins, TheUnderworldsAbbott, TonyN/ABe a Writing SuperstarSutherland, JoelBear and MonkeyBeaver Eats and EatsBeing With HenryGoundwood BooksBig Birds Little BirdsLevel one A Harrions, Pat Big Dark, The Billy GoatBook of Ultimate Records, Hirschmann, Kris Ryan Herndon Compiled byBorrowers Aloft, TheNorton, MaryBrady Brady and probably the most important gameBrady BradyShaw, M., Temple, C.1Broken Bike Boy along with the Queen of 33rd Street, TheAbramsBuffalo Learns Respect BunniculaHowe, Deborah JamesBunny Can Hop, ABusy Garden, TheEsposito, GiovannaGreat MigrationsMarsh, LauraBuzz! said the Fuzzy BeeLaramie, JasonCan You See Shapes?Captain Eds Fire Safety BookHear My Heart Books Onishenko, E.Read Aloud HealthCara the Camp Fairy Rainbow MagicSpecial EditionMeadows, Daisy Case on the Great Sled Race, TheJigsaw Jones Mystgery Preller, JCase from the Marshmallow Monster, theJigsaw Jones MysteryCase in the Topsy-Turvy ToyPete Pennys PuzzlesRosenberg, AaronCat Burglar CaperCavemen Do Drive School busesJr. chapter bookJones, Dadey, D.Charlie is Big Two Magenta BCirque du SoleilGoldsworthy, K.Claudia and Mean JanineThe Baby-Sitters ClubClean WaterSally Ride ScienceGeiger, BethClimbing a Rock Wall Scott, J.Conservative Party, TheCanadas Political PartiesBaldwin, D. P.Contest, The Gutsy GirlStellings, Caroline Cool Sails Counting BatsCounting Chicks Schafer, E CreationsCrystal the Snow FairyThe Weather FairiesDexter the Tough Haddix, M.6Did You Invent the Phone Alone, Alexander Graham Bell?Science SuperGiants DinosuarsOsborne, Will Mary Pope Dog HerosFact TrackerDogs in DisguiseDogs within the Dead of NightMagic Tree House 46Dolphins and SharksDominoKitty CornerMiles, E Dr. SeussAV2booksRemarkable Writers Foran, J.Dragon Painter, TheDickins, Rosie retold by!Dragonblood Dragon within the Dessert Stone ArchDragonbloodDahl, M.Dragonblood Stowaway Monster Zone BooksDahl PellegrinoSuperstars of Hip Hop Earl Eagle GirlCutting, R. 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Frand Baum Bk-St2-014A!Agatha Christie, Woman of Mystery Bk-St2-02 ALICES ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND7 Lewis Carroll7 Bk-St2-03ANNE of GREEN GABLESL. M. Montgomery Bk-St2-04THE CANTERVILLE GHOSTOscar Wilde Bk-St2-05THE CHILDREN OF THE NEW FORESTCaptain Marryat Bk-St2-06DEAD MANS ISLAND Bk-St2-07DEATH IN THE FREEZER Bk-St2-08THE DEATH OF KAREN SILKWOOD Bk-St2-09DraculaBram Stoker Bk-St2-10EAR-RINGS FROM FRANKFURT Reg Wright Bk-St2-11FIVE CHILDREN AND ITEdith Nesbit Bk-St2-12 GRACE DARLING Bk-St2-13HENRY VIII AND HIS SIX WIVES7janet Hardy-Gould7 Bk-St2-14Huckleberry FinnMark Twain Bk-St2-15THE JUNGLE BOOKRudyard Kipling Bk-St2-164BLove one of several Haystacks Lawrence Bk-St2-17The LOVE of an KINGPeter Kainty Bk-St2-18MATTY DOOLINCatherine Cookson Bk-St2-19THE MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUEEdgar Allan Poe Bk-St2-20The Mystery of Allegra Peter Foreman Bk-St2-21 THE PIANO Bk-St2-22THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM Bk-St2-23RETURN TO EARTHJohn Christopher Bk-St2-24Robinson CrusoeDaniel Defoe Bk-St2-25Sherlock Holmes7Sir Arthur Conan Doyle7 Bk-St2-26STORIES FROM THE FIVE TOWNSArnold Bennett Bk-St2-27A STRANGER AT GREEN KNOWE7Lucy M. Boston7 Bk-St2-28Tales from Longpuddle Bk-St2-29 VOODOO ISLANDMichael Duckworth Bk-St2-30William Shakespeare Bk-St2-314CTHE YEAR OF SHARING7Harry Gillbert7 Bk-St3-01The Bronte Story Bk-St3-02THE CALL OF THE WILDJack London Bk-St3-03The Card Bk-St3-04CHEMICAL SECRET Bk-St3-05A CHRISTMAS CAROLCharles Dickens Bk-St3-06THE CROWN OF VIOLETGeoffrey Trease Bk-St3-07ETHAN FROME Edith Wharton Bk-St3-08FrankensteinMary Shelley Bk-St3-09GOLDFISH7Raymond Chandler7 Bk-St3-10Justice Bk-St3-11 KIDNAPPEDRobert Louis Stevenson Bk-St3-12THE LAST SHERLOCK HOLMES STORYMichael Dibdin Bk-St3-13 LOVE STORYErich Segal Bk-St3-14MOONDIALHelen Cresswell Bk-St3-155AON the EDGE7 Gillian Cross7 Bk-St3-16The Picture of Dorian GrayOscar Wilde Bk-St3-17The Prisoner of ZendaAnthony Hope Bk-St3-18RABBIT-PROOF FENCEDoris Pilkington Garimara Bk-St3-19THE RAILWAY CHILDREN Bk-St3-20The Secret Garden Bk-St3-21SKYJACK Bk-St3-22STAR ZOO Harry Gilbert Bk-St3-23 TALES OF MISTERY AND IMAGINATION Bk-St3-24THROUGH THE LOOKING-GLASS Lewis Carroll Bk-St3-25Who, Sir? Me, Peyton Bk-St3-26THE WIND IN THE WILLOWSKenneth Grahame Bk-St3-27WYATTS HURRICANEDesmond Bagley Bk-St4-015BTHE AFRICAN QUEEN Forester Bk-St4-02 THE BIG SLEEPRaymond Chandler Bk-St4-03BLACK BEAUTYAnna Sewell Bk-St4-04CranfordElizabeth Gaskel Щ ОHZО JJIIIIIIIIII2 ПЩ ПЩ П?Пчt-йBПчt-йB ПЩ ПЩ ПAЩ ПHZП JJIIIIIIIIII2 ЯЩ ЯЩ ЯBЯФъt-йBЯФъt-йB ЯЩ ЯCЩ ЯDЩ ЯHZЯ JJIIIIIIIIII2 Р Щ РЩ РEРЮt-йBРЮt-йB РЩ РFЩ РGЩ РRZР JJIIIIIIIIII2 С0Щ СЩ СHС v-йBС v-йB СЩ СIЩ СJЩ СRZС JJIIIIIIIIII2 ТЩ ТЩ ТKТNчt-йBТNчt-йB ТЩ ТLЩ ТMЩ ТRZТ JJJJJJJJJJJJ2 УPЩ УЩ УNУчt-йBУчt-йB УЩ УOЩ УPЩ УRZУ JJIIIIIIIIII2 ЖЩ ЖЩ ЖQЖv-йBЖv-йB ЖЩ ЖRЩ ЖSЩ ЖRZЖ JJIIIIIIIIII2 ВpЩ ВЩ ВTВjЭu-йBВjЭu-йB ВЩ ВUЩ ВVЩ ВRZВ JJIIIIIIIIII2 ЬЩ ЬЩ ЬWЬЮt-йBЬЮt-йB ЬЩ ЬXЩ ЬYЩ ЬRZЬ JJIIIIIIIIII2 ЫЩ ЫЩ ЫZЫЮt-йBЫЮt-йB ЫЩ ЫЩ ЫЩ ЫRZЫ JJIIIIIIIIII2 ЗЩ ЗЩ ЗЗ v-йBЗ v-йB ЗЩ ЗЩ ЗЩ ЗRZЗ JJIIIIIIIIII2 ШЩ ШЩ ШШЮt-йBШЮt-йB ШЩ ШaЩ ШbЩ ШRZШ JJIIIIIIIIII2 ЭюЩ ЭЩ ЭcЭчt-йBЭчt-йB ЭЩ ЭdЩ ЭeЩ ЭRZЭ JJIIIIIIIIII2 ЩпЩ ЩЩ ЩfЩёЮt-йBЩёЮt-йB ЩЩ ЩgЩ ЩhЩ ЩRZЩ JJIIIIIIIIII2 ЧЮЩ ЧЩ ЧiЧ v-йBЧ v-йB ЧЩ ЧjЩ ЧkЩ ЧRZЧ JJIIIIIIIIII2 ЪПЩ ЪЩ ЪlЪvv-йBЪvv-йB ЪЩ ЪmЩ ЪnЩ ЪRZЪ JJIIIIIIIIII2вDlПППППППППППДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД3Yю3Yю3Yю3Yю3Yю3Yю3Yю3Yю3Yю 3Yю 3Yю3Yю3Yю 3Yю3Yю3Yю Yю Yю Yю Yю Yю Yю Yю Yю Yю Yю Yю Yю Yю Yю Yю Yю Щ Щ нt-йBt-йB Щ оЩ пЩ яZ JJQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQIIIIIIIKKKKKKKKKK2 Щ Щ Аьt-йBьt-йB Щ БЩ ЦЩ яZ JJQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQIIIIIIIKKKKKKKKKK2 Щ Щ pЁDqйBpЁDqйB Щ Щ Щ ИZ JJKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK2 Щ Щ ЖZйBZйB Щ ВЩ ЬЩ Z JJZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZRRRRRRR2 Щ Щ чзF ZйBзF ZйB Щ ъЩ ЮЩ Z JJZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZRRRRRRR2 Щ Щ F ZйBF ZйB Щ Щ Щ 4Z JJKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK2 0Щ Щ ФRs-йBRs-йB Щ ГЩ ХЩ ИZ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ2 8Щ Щ J3NйBJ3NйB Щ Щ Щ Щ X JJZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZRRRRRRR2 Щ Щ R1NйBR1NйB Щ !Щ Щ Щ X JJZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ2 HЩ Щ ЖАNйB ЖАNйB Щ Щ Щ Z JJZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ2 PЩ Щ i юOйB юOйB Щ jЩ kЩ Z JJKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK2 XЩ Щ xзVнBKМФйB Щ?Щ pЩ Z JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ2 Щ Щ хNйBNйB Щ иЩ Щ Щ X JJKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK2 hЩ 5Щ 4 УIйB УIйB Щ 6Щ 7Щ 8Щ 9 pЩ 5Щ :эУIйBэУIйB Щ ;Щ 7Щ 8Щ ПЩ 5Щ SпeйBпeйB Щ TЩ RЩ FЩ E?ЬЩ?5Щ?U?НdйB?НdйB?Щ?VЩ?DЩ?FЩ? 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